

Current information about KGG Brandschutzsysteme GmbH and our products can be found here:


High fire damage – flexible fire protection curtain prevents worse

The property damage that occurred on Thursday night in a fire in the restaurant of the Villa Hirzel in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany) is estimated at 400,000 euros. Apparently, modern fire protection technology prevented even greater damage.
Source: Gmünder Tagespost
Photo: Hientzsch

Brandschutzvorhang von KGG verhindert Schlimmeres

„According to the fire brigade commander Uwe Schubert from Gmünd, a great advantage was a fire curtain that went down when the alarm was triggered and thus sealed off the catering area from the foyer. Such a curtain, says Schubert, can withstand the flames for at least 30 minutes. This probably prevented the flames and especially the smoke from spreading to the rest of the ground floor and the upper floors.“